Home Of Quality Asbestos Testing in New Zealand
We offer an independent, available-to-all, IANZ-accredited, rapid service to analyse building materials for asbestos content, and air monitoring filters to establish the airborne fibre concentration – it is airborne fibres that are the risk when dealing with asbestos.
Asbestos sampling & testing in NZ
Asbestos is a hazardous substance. It is a proven human carcinogen, and all forms of asbestos can cause asbestosis and cancer, particularly lung cancer. The main way people are exposed to asbestos is by breathing in air that contains asbestos fibres - there are no safe lower limits. Our lab can sample and analyse all types of asbestos in asbestos-containing samples, or provide explicit instructions for taking your samples for testing, and/or recommend professionals to survey your building, sample, or remove asbestos-containing material. Following removal, we can provide an independent service with air monitoring, swab sampling, and visual inspection to ensure your environment is safe.
Asbestos Sample Submission
To submit a sample to the lab please use the Asbestos Sample Submission form.
More information
Contact our Asbestos Team, led by our National Laboratory Manager Mike Young:
Email: asbestos@verumgroup.co.nz