SpectraChem - XRF Analysis for Precise Material Testing

SpectraChem is a part of Verum Group specialising in X-ray fluorescence (XRF), with XRF analysis of a wide range of inorganic and organic materials such as rocks and soils, plant and animal tissue, metal alloys, industrial wastes, plastics, and polymers.


SpectraChem is fully IANZ accredited. IANZ accreditation means our results are trusted not only in New Zealand, but around the world. The lab is also now operating at full noise, with the analysis of major oxides, semiquantitative multi-elements, trace elements, and metal alloys; with the capacity for even more sample numbers than before.

Contact SpectraChem at Verum Group for your XRF needs, with XRF analysis of a wide range of inorganic and organic materials such as rocks and soils, plant and animal tissue, metal alloys, industrial wastes, plastics, and polymers.

These services are especially important to mining and geological exploration companies, environmental consultants, the manufacturing industry, and other research organisations.

Available tests

XRF Major Oxide Analysis; XRF Semi-quantitative "Multi-Element" Analysis; XRF Trace Elements Analysis; XRF Metal Alloys Analysis; and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). We also have trusted subcontractors for any tests we can't do.

More information

Contact the SpectraChem (XRF) lab at Verum Group using the contact form or Email: sca@verumgroup.co.nz

Read our latest news on the National Laboratories: Upgrade to Verum's National Lab.