Spontaneous Combustion Propensity

Verum Group provides a range of advanced laboratory tests that are leading practice in quantifying the spontaneous combustion propensity of coal and other materials. Spontaneous combustion is a significant hazard for coal mine operations with events often leading to severe outcomes and major disruptions to production.


It is essential for coal mines to produce detailed and reliable Principal Hazard Management Plans based on accurate measurements including the propensity of coal to self-heat under in-mine conditions and the associated gas evolution pattern of the heating. Verum Group can assist with a range of advanced laboratory tests that are leading practice in quantifying the spontaneous combustion propensity of coal and other materials. Tests include:

R70 testing - Provides a quick and accurate measure of the intrinsic reactivity of coal to oxygen and the values obtained are strongly coal rank dependent and are affected by the intrinsic properties of the coal. Also obtained is a value for the Relative Ignition Temperature which is used to confirm the intrinsic spontaneous combustion reactivity of the coal.

Incubation testing - Is designed to simulate coal self-heating for any set of boundary conditions that may exist at a mine, port or in transit. It takes into consideration moisture present and the surrounding environment, the presence of reactive pyrite and issues associated with seasonal variation.

SponComGAS™ testing - The gas evolution pattern that occurs in response to coal self-heating can be used as a signature for the early detection of a self-heating event. We can determine the unique gas evolution trends for your situation which can support alarm limits set in the Trigger Action Response Plans.

SponComBULK™ testing - Monitors hot spot development in a coal pile in terms of location of the initial hot spot and subsequent migration within the pile.

All test results are analysed, interpreted, and reported by Chartered Professionals who are members of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and all reports are certified by Registered Professional Engineers who are registered under the terms of the Professional Engineers Act 2002 (Queensland) and have appropriate knowledge and experience.

More information

For Spontaneous Combustion Propensity analysis contact our Geology Manager Kerry Gordon:
Email: k.gordon@verumgroup.co.nz

Or contact our Technical Manager & Environmental Chemist Rachel Skews:
Email: r.skews@verumgroup.co.nz